Rabu, 16 Mei 2012

Happy Bday Papa Azka !

On Desember 2th we had a party at Gardenia Resort Pontianak, unfortunately, until now foto-foto dokumentasinya belum juga dikasi sama yang moto, so i don't have any photos to published :(.I only have this cupcake picture as the item for the day. But, one thing that i want to share is, the party was nice, and we had a Japanese night on the day. All of the food was from Japan, such many kinds of Sushi, Onigiri, Teriyaki, and many more. And of course, the party was succeed, the food were so tasty and at the end, happy bday Papa Azka! Cherrioooo~

8 month- Azka Qanitah Safela

Happy new year everyone!!! In this new year, we went to Malaysia Again. Dengan porsi holiday yang lebih makmur tentunya, karena kita mengajak Granny dan Mbah Uyut, so we could stay in much better hotel. Hahahaaa.. kita pergi dengan mobil as usuall, dan menginap di Grand Margherita Hotel at Kuching, Malaysia. The hotel was wonderful! Selain jalan-jalan disekitar Kuching, we also went to Damai Beach, and took some pictures over there. Kalau di liburan sebelumnya, we were exactly at the SUnset time, this time, kita berfoto ria under the on a very bright Sunshine. Tidak lupa juga segala kerempongan perlengkapan Azka juga dibawa, seperti slow cooker, beras, daging, kaldu, buah, sampai ember juga turut diangkut demi kenyamanan princess Azka. huahaha.. Overall, the holiday was nice and we can't wait for the next holiday!! On the pictures, adalah ketika kita berfoto ria at the swimming pool Damai Beach, ada juga di lorong kamar Hotel Grand Margherita Hotel, and also di Swimming Pool side Hotel. :)

7 month - Azka Qanitah Safela

Azka had a lot of schedules this month! And mommy, had a lots of duty too. First of all, this month adalah jadwalnya mulai mengenalkan bubur saring untuk makanan utama. Dan, duty kedua, tentunya tetep membuat bubur saring dimanapun Azka berada. So, when we had a little holiday this month at Singkawang with Daddy's office, mommy tetap membawa Slow Cooker to make Azka's porridge di hotel. Hehe.. Well, azka sudah mengalami banyak perkembangan this month. First, she could sit nicely on the high chair, bisa juga stand on her feet dengan berpegangan, dan sudah mulai mengunyah karena sudah ada 2 gigi yang muncul. Yeaay!! By the way, Pictures above adalah ketika kami had a holiday at Singkawang. And we played at the beach on the last day of the holiday, before we came back to Pontianak. Nice-short-holiday! And two other pictures are ketika azka nemenin mommy shopping at hypermart, and went to bellagio with kak ria to see some beautiful shoess.

6 month - Azka Qanitah Safela

Yeay!!! Finally my little baby lulus ASI eksklusive!! Setelah perjuangan dengan hambatan flat nipple, badan mungil, dikritik sana-sini, disuruh makan pas umur 4 bulan lah, but overall, we made itttt! Sukses melewati semua cobaan. Somehow, our journey won't stop here. it just the beginning! Masih jauh perjalanan per-ASI-an Azka until about 1,5 years ahead. Next mission is, starting Makanan Pendamping ASI sehat dan homemade. Mommy won't give you instant baby food dari segala merk no matter what! Biarlah bersusah payah, asalkan kita tetep makan makanan rumahan with no pengawet inside. Well, as the beginning, i chose puree avocado as the first MPASI. Thanks God Azka liked it!! Dimakan sampe habis 1 mangkok! rencananya, di bulan ini, azka will do '4 day rules' food untuk MPASInya. Artinya, Azka tetep makan makanan yang sama selama 4 hari untuk melihat apakah ada reaksi alergi atau tidak, and after that, baru pindah ke jenis makanan lainnya. Happy eating sweet heart! xoxo. ;*